6/16/20 - Kindergarten Graduation
8/19/19 - New Teacher Orientation Features Author Erin Gruwell
9/3/19 - Westmoreland Central School District Officially Kicks Off 2019-20 School Year
9/11/19 - Upper & Primary Elementary "Meet the Teacher Night"
September 2019 - First and Second Grade Students Participate in “Fun Run”
10/1/19 - Girls Varsity Soccer Team Raises Funds for American Diabetes Association
10/3/19 - From Dream to Reality: High School Student Designs Book Bag
10/3/19 - First Grade Classes “Go Back in Time,” Visit Schoolhouse #18
10/4/19 - Bulldog Credit Union Opens for the 2019-20 School Year
10/4/19 - Upper Elementary School Celebrating “National Bullying Prevention Month” in October
10/4/19 - Girls Varsity Tennis Falls in Team Sectionals; 4 Players Qualify for Individual Sectionals
10/15/19 - Zi3 Club Giving “Wheelie the Cat” a Second Chance at Life
10/18/19 - Primary Elementary School Holds “Fire Safety Day"
10/22/19 - Girls Varsity Soccer Beats Bishop Grimes, Advances to Section III Quarterfinals
10/22/19 - “Pride of Westmoreland” Marching Band Performs for School Board
10/23/19 - Boys Varsity Soccer Beats Cooperstown, Advances to Section III Quarterfinals
10/23/19 - Zone for Imagination, Innovation and Inspiration Hosts “Halloween Family Night”
10/24/19 - Students Go Behind the Scenes at WKTV NEWSChannel 2
10/31/19 - UC Field Hockey Teams Up with Mrs. Bonomo’s Class for “Pumpkin Science & Math"
11/5/19 - Boys Varsity Soccer Loses in Overtime in Section Final
11/6/19 - Motivational Speaker, Painter Encourages Students to Follow Dreams
11/7/19 - Westmoreland Students Compete in Junior Achievement Entrepreneurial Youth Summit
11/26/19 - Social Studies Students Visit with Local Veterans, Bringing History to Life
12/11/19 - With Help of Music, Third and Fourth Grade Students Receive History Lesson12/3/19 - Mrs. Parzych’s Fifth Grade Class Celebrates “Giving Tuesday”
12/11/19 - With Help of Music, Third and Fourth Grade Students Receive History Lesson
12/13/19 - Using Math Skills, Fifth Grade “WIN” Class Makes Gingerbread Houses
12/13/19 - Syracuse Legend Lawrence Moten Attends Westmoreland vs. Oriskany Boys’ Basketball Games
12/16/19 - “Giving Tree” at Primary Elementary School Benefits Rescue Mission
12/17/19 - Mrs. Brindisi's Class Presents "The Year Santa Forgot Christmas"
12/17/19 - Mrs. Hecklau’s Class Ventures Outside for Special Lesson
12/18/19 - Mrs. DeMichele's Class Presents "12 Days of Christmas"
12/19/19 - Jr./Sr. High School Select Chorus Performs Holiday Concert for “Westlanders”
12/20/19 - Third and Fourth Graders Perform Holiday Concert at Primary Elementary
12/20/19 - Author of “The Adirondack Kids” Visits Primary and Upper Elementary Schools
12/28/19 - Former Players Return for Alumni Basketball Night
1/6/20 - Jared Campbell, Motivational Singer, Songwriter and Speaker, Visits Westmoreland
1/8/20 - Erin Gruwell Inspires Fifth and Sixth Grade Students to be Superheroes
1/13/20 - First Grade Presents “Museum of Light & Sound”
1/16/20 - Mrs. Hecklau’s Class Donates to the Westmoreland Swimming Pool
1/23/20 - Primary Elementary Students “Hop” for Australian Fire Relief
2/6/20 - Jazz Musicians Work with Jr./Sr. High School Band Students
2/14/20 - Kindergarten Class Celebrates the Wedding of “Q” and “U”
2/24/20 - Upper Elementary Reading Challenge Concludes with Visit by Utica Comets
2/28/20 - Jr./Sr. High School Art Students Participate in Workshop at MVCC
2/28/20 - Westmoreland Featured at “Art: The Common Thread” Exhibit
3/3/20 - Girls Basketball Program Recognized by Board of Education
7/14/20 - “Summer Bus Tour” to Discuss Re-Opening of School Begins
7/22/20 - “Summer Bus Tour” to Discuss Re-Opening of School Part 2