WESTMORELAND, N.Y.- On Friday, November 3, 2023, Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente Jr. unveiled the official County bird, tree and flower to sixth grade students in the Upper Elementary School.
Over the summer, students across the County were asked to participate in a contest where they would vote for what they felt would be the best representation for the County. The students chose the Red Maple Tree, the Tufted Titmouse for the bird and Trillium as the County flower. Sixth graders in the Westmoreland Central School District said they felt honored to be a part of such a historical moment. “Being involved in this process teaches them that their voices matter and that they do have a say,” said Superintendent Rocco Migliori. “This was a great experience for our students that also served as an authentic learning activity about climate, weather and nature, and why certain plants and trees thrive in particular areas.”
Mr. Perrault, a sixth grade science teacher at Westmoreland, used this contest as a way to teach students about the bird, flower and tree that would soon represent their County. When speakers asked students questions about each winner, they knew almost every answer.
In honor of the 225th anniversary, County officials wanted to give residents a way to recognize the natural beauty of Oneida County, so they invited area sixth grade students to vote in an online survey. More than 1,100 students voted and 60 of those students were from Westmoreland.
The results:
Tufted Titmouse- 43%
Blue Jay- 38%
Ruby Throated Hummingbird- 19%
Trillium- 57%
Milkweed- 23%
Bee Balm- 20%
Red Maple- 70%
Hemlock- 16%
White Pine- 14%
Take a look at the unveiling at the Upper Elementary School. Click here for coverage of the event.
Click here for photos.