
WESTMORELAND, N.Y.- Our number one goal as a school district is to make sure every student and staff member is safe and there is nothing we take more seriously than that.

To ensure everyone is on the same page, we will be conducting periodic safety drills throughout the year. Although we have been doing drills for years, this will allow us to practice and learn what needs to be done. We will continue to conduct these drills throughout the year as we are mandated to practice evacuations, lockdowns, a hold-in-place and early dismissals. We need to practice a minimum of 12 drills throughout the year.

Prior to practicing the drills, we will instruct students and staff on what they need to do, we will talk about how the drill will be announced and once it has concluded we will debrief and give students and staff the opportunity to ask questions.

Families will receive reminders quarterly about these mandates. If anyone has questions about these mandates, please contact the building principal.

We would also like to remind families that each of our buildings has a Special Patrol Officer or a School Resource Officer, a single point of entry, security cameras, a visitor screening and tracking system, automatic door locking and a 911 calling system. Again, safety is our number one priority.