WESTMORELAND, N.Y.- During the weekend of October 5th, the Pride of Westmoreland Marching Band competed at the Liverpool High School and placed third!
Their show titled, “Desert Storm”, consists of 63 students with amazing talent! This performance has many moving parts. Our color guard glides across the field, while our band plays to their movements. There were 14 bands in the competition, and five of those competed in the same class as our Bulldogs. Out of the five schools, Westmoreland took home third place!
The Pride of Westmoreland begins rehearsing twice a week in July. Once September hits, they add a third day to their practice schedule to prepare for their competitions throughout the months of September and October. The state championships are Sunday, October 27 at the JMA Wireless Dome with a performance scheduled at 4:29 p.m. Go Westmo!