Tree lighting

WESTMORELAND, N.Y.- On Tuesday, December 3rd, the Westmoreland Central School District invited the community to a special tree lighting ceremony to benefit the Clark Burn Center in Syracuse.

We asked our PTO President, Bambi Patterson, to choose the charity. Patterson was burned badly in an accident over the summer and she said the Clark Burn Center was very helpful in her recovery, which is why she chose to donate to them.

Students and their families were greeted at the front door of the Primary Elementary School with hot chocolate. They then browsed the raffle baskets that were set up in the front lobby. The PTO was also there serving up some munchkins and other snacks, while the Jr./Sr. High School choir sang Christmas Carols as families anxiously awaited the lighting of the tree. Around 6:20 p.m., school officials asked everyone to gather outside to watch Bambi light the tree. The crowd clapped with joy as the pine needles lit up! Santa, Mrs. Claus and the Grinch made a grand entrance on a Westmoreland Volunteer fire truck! They passed out candy canes to the children and got their pictures taken with the jolly couple.

This event was not only fun, but it confirms how generous our community is. We raised a total of $850.00 for Upstate’s Clark Burn Center. Thank you to everyone who attended! We can’t wait to do it all again next year!

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