February 8, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians:

New York State is committed to supplying schools with rapid COVID-19 testing kits to assist with "Test-to-Stay" procedures and mitigation practices. Our district anticipates getting a shipment of tests weekly, at least until this current spike of positive cases decreases substantially. Currently, we have enough tests on hand to administer our "Test-to-Stay" procedures and to supply families wishing to help at home. Some ways to assist with the school’s mitigation strategies at home are:  Westmo logo

·       Testing students prior to returning to school after a vacation or large group event;

·       Testing students who were determined to have been in contact with someone who has tested positive;

·       Testing students who have symptoms consistent with those of COVID-19;

·       Testing individuals in the home who are symptomatic or are unvaccinated and have been exposed to a positive case; and

·       Periodic random testing.

We recognize that some families have their own supply of test kits at home and some may not be comfortable with their kids transporting a medical test. For these reasons, we will only provide test kits to students upon receipt of a completed parental permission form (click here for form). Please submit the completed form to your child's principal. In completing this form, you authorize the Westmoreland Central School District to provide COVID-19 test kits to your child and for the kits to be transported home by your child. You also assume all risks associated with your child taking home the test kits. If you would prefer to pick up a test kit(s) directly from school, you may do so at the district office, Monday-Friday, from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., while school is in session.

Have a great, safe and healthy Mid-Winter Recess.


Rocco Migliori Superintendent of Schools