Matthew Kelsey smiling in front of a shelf of mugs

Matthew Kelsey was named the Bulldog Bookstore “Employee of the Month” for the month of June.

Matthew, a sophomore, is in his first year working at the bookstore located in the Jr./Sr. High School. Business teacher Mrs. Weissenberger, who oversees the store, says things run smoothly when Matthew is working.  Matthew Kelsey

“He is very attentive to our merchandise and places orders promptly,” Mrs. Weissenberger said. “His dedication, money handling skills, responsibility and trustworthy personality makes him the model employee.”

In addition to being a good opportunity, Matthew says working at the bookstore has provided him with invaluable experience.

“I have learned a lot of management skills,” Matthew said. “There are a lot of times when you need to adapt to a situation by identifying what went wrong and then trying to fix it.”

The Bulldog Bookstore is not associated with any class. Rather, students interested in acquiring a volunteer position at the store submit an application, resume and at least two references, and are then interviewed by Mrs. Weissenberger. Students work during free periods and lunch.

The store is open Monday-Friday during school hours and sometimes during special events. There’s plenty of “green and white” to choose from. Products for sale range from t-shirts to hoodies to snacks and school supplies. All profits are invested back into the student body in the form of scholarships to graduating seniors.

Matthew is also a member of the Varsity Track and Field and Hockey teams, Concert Choir, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band and Drama Department. Although he has a couple more years to think about college and a future career, he is currently interested in the music profession.

Congratulations to Matthew Kelsey on being named the Bulldog Bookstore “Employee of the Month” for the month of June!