second graders gathered in the school hallway, laughing

The end of the school year means change is on the horizon for the second grade class.

The district’s second grade students will be leaving the Primary Elementary School for the third grade at the Upper Elementary School.  students doing activity

To kick-off the transition, the second grade students visited the Upper Elementary School on May 19 to familiarize themselves with their soon-to-be new school building. As part of their visit, the second grade students met their future teachers and completed activities with the current third grade class. The second and third grade students also ate lunch together.

The visit started with a brief introduction in the multi-purpose room. Activities were spearheaded by Mr. Woods, district health and wellness coordinator, Mr. Boisen, Upper Elementary coding/technology teacher, Mr. Lampert, guidance counselor, and Mrs. Poplarski, school social worker.

The Primary Elementary School is home to grades Pre-K-2 and the Upper Elementary School is home to grades 3-6.

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