Our awesome class of 2025!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Class of 2025
DAY 4...SENIOR CITIZEN DAY! Please enjoy this nice photo of our students dressed as Mr. Smith! This is a testament to how much they love him!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Mr. smith
DAY 3....MEME DAY! Just a reminder, our homecoming game is on Saturday, September 28th at 1:00 p.m. Please join us to cheer on the Westmoreland-Oriskany Football team!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
meme day
Meme day
Meme day
CAN AND BOTTLE DRIVE: Homecoming is this weekend, if you have any recyclables bring the with you and drop them off in the high school parking lot before the game to help support our Pride of Westmoreland Marching Band! Go Bulldogs!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Memories mean everything. Yesterday our class of 2025 met at the football field for the annual Senior Sunrise! We are going to miss them!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior sunrise
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Westmoreland Bulldogs a "Pawed" Cast presents an update on the Kindergarten "Switcheroo" process and how this screening process went! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-2otnNStdo
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day
The Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, has been CANCELED. The next meeting will be on October 8th. Thank you for your understanding.
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
FOOD DISTRIBUTION: The Country Pantry is having a food distribution on Monday, September 23. They will open to the public at 10:15 a.m. Have a wonderful Sunday!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Our Varsity football team practicing for this Saturdays big game at Pulaski! Good luck Bulldogs!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
The New Hartford Marching Band is hosting their competition, the Spartan Spectacular, this Saturday (9/21) at 6:00 p.m. Pride of Westmoreland will perform shortly after that. Contact Mrs. Cutler at kcutler@westmorelandschool.org to purchase tickets! You can buy them at the door.
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Mrs. Scalise's kindergarten class learned how to use glue sticks today! They made a fall favorite... apples!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
SNEAKER DRIVE: Our National Junior Honor Society is hosting a sneaker drive through October 28th! Read the flyer below for information on how to donate!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Sneaker Drive
This year the PTO Craft fair is Saturday, November 23 from 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Please email WestmoPTO@gmail.com if you're interested in being a vendor or would like your food truck there!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Holiday Craft Fair
Good afternoon Jr./Sr. High School Families! Picture day is this Thursday and Friday (9/19 and 9/20). In the link below you'll find a form with everything you need to know about picture day and how to order! If you have trouble opening the link, visit our website (westmorelandschool.org) and click on the button under the scrolling photo gallery labeled "Jr./Sr. High School Pictures." Have a wonderful day! https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2565/westmoreland/4841694/2024_Fall_Portrait_Day.pdf
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Not sure what to do for dinner tomorrow night? The Pride of Westmoreland Marching Band is hosting a Panera night from 4:00-8:00 p.m. A percentage of the proceeds will go to the band to support them in their upcoming competitions and performances!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Panera night
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Our very first guest on "Inside Scoop", our talk show on our Westmoreland CSD newscast, was Chiffon and Mr. Hoffman! Chiffon did a wonderful job!
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall
Just a reminder of your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please take a look if you're not sure what they are! https://www.westmorelandschool.org/page/ferpa
4 months ago, Callihan Marshall