On Thursday, families got to learn all about starfish, sharks and owls at Animal Night! Students were experts on their animal and could answer any questions they were asked! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQQHjvBDp5JHPFyKPkPmoDAHrbDkJv63N6-_0IbQslXOVgzAfrRv1MGzS1N8I6TlA_7TpS6kDE0ff1E/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Earlier this week some of our students took a trip to New York Energy Zone! They learned how to build a lightbulb, fly a drone over powerlines and went back in time with Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison! By the looks of it, they had a blast! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQDA1QU3Dq1v43vk8ZXaGe-Wu6X-wBZr0P6RpPcnz53GBcHpAXbx5xBv706_pWrUBwMzmrGgCdyDf2A/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Our Boys Tennis Team fought hard at the CSC Tournament yesterday at the Utica Parkway Tennis courts! This was the first time in three years the team competed in this tournament and they represented our district with skill and honor! Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Tennis Team
Tennis Team
Tennis Team
Tennis Team
Tennis team
SPORTS UPDATE: Due to inclement weather, all games have been cancelled for today.
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
They love our students like one of their own! Our district wouldn't be as amazing as it is without them! Even though we appreciate them everyday, we want recognize all of our teachers on National Teacher Appreciation Day! Thank you for all that you do!
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Teacher Appreciation Day
It's ready! The Westmoreland Town Park is opening for the season today! A big thank you to the town's highway department, our Athletic Director and Westmoreland Baseball for making sure all the fields look beautiful!
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
UPDATE: Due to inclement weather all games for the evening have been cancelled.
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
It's going to be "un-grill-ievable"! The class of 2024 is selling Brooks' Barbecue tickets for their fundraiser on May 4th! It's in the high school cafeteria from 3:30 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Dinners are $13.00 each and come with half a chicken, baked potato, coleslaw and dessert cookie! Contact Nick Darrah at ndarrah@westmorelandschool.org for pre-sale tickets or you can buy them at the door! Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Brooks' BBQ
It's Administrative Professionals Day, and we have some of the best here at Westmoreland! We appreciate everything you do for our students and staff!
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Administrative Professionals Day
If you haven't heard already, our coach and physical education teacher, Tim Gates is retiring after 30 years! WKTV did a segment on him last week! Take a look! https://www.wktv.com/sports/westmoreland-football-boys-volleyball-coach-gates-announces-retirement-after-more-than-two-decades-at-helm/article_a94d83aa-e001-11ed-b306-cfe3ec76678a.html
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES: Don't forget about our family night at the Primary Elementary School! You'll get a chance to see what your child learned in their weather and climate unit! Get there any time between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Here's a little preview of what the students have been working on!
over 1 year ago, Callihan Marshall
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
Math and science
REMINDER: The Country Pantry is having a food distribution this morning at 9:45 at the Church of Annunciation in Clark Mills. Residents can start lining up at 8:00 a.m.
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
SHOUTOUT TO STAFF: We hope everyone is enjoying their Spring Break! Our staff is working very hard this week, making improvements for our students. They're installing a new projector screen at the Upper Elementary School! This will make your experience at some of our events, like graduations, much better!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
It's a beautiful day for some modified track practice! We hope everyone is enjoying their Spring Break!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
Track practice
Track practice
Track practice
Track practice
FOOD DISTRIBUTION: The Country Pantry will be having a food distribution on Monday, April 17 at the Church of Annunciation in Clark Mills. Families can line up starting at 8 a.m., and they will open at 9:45 a.m.
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
HOPPY Easter from all of us here at Westmoreland!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
Happy Easter
THE RESULTS ARE IN! These fine students were the 1st and 2nd place teams in the the Grade 5 March Madness Math Competition: Second place team: Dylan R., Lily G., and Chelsey B. First place team: Cooper M., Kyleigh J., and James F. Congrats to these stellar students!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
March Madness Math
March Madness Math
The Easter Bunny joined Mrs. Golden and Mrs. Russell's pre-k class for some fun with students and their families!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
Easter celebrations
REMINDER: Jump into Spring Break the right way! Help support the Westmoreland National Junior Honor Society at Get Air in New Hartford on Thursday! Let staff know you're there for the fundraiser!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
Get air fundraiser
It's Special Persons Day at Primary Elementary! Take a look at some of the Pre-K students favorite people!
almost 2 years ago, Callihan Marshall
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons Day
Special Persons day
Special Persons Day